
The Reception Residency

January —
June 2013
Katia Molino
The Reception Residency

Katia Molino & the Bankstown District Lapidary Club

Further Information

The other day

I saw a beautiful stone,

that reminded me of a story,

that uncovered a thought,

which puzzled me for a moment.

The art of stones.Bankstown Arts Centre has a number of vibrant community groups that currently call the Arts Centre home including Bankstown Art Society, Bankstown Theatre Company, The Bankstown District Lapidary Society as well as regular groups who use the facility.

The Reception Residency brokers an introduction between a professional artist (group of artists) and a group from the Arts centre. The residency was lead by the artists. At the conclusion of the residency, there was a free public performance.

Event Details

Residency: January –June 2013

Public Presentation: 7 June, 7:30pm, Bankstown Arts Centre