
My Radio Heart - Creative Development

March 2013 —
December 2019
Rosie Dennis
My Radio Heart - Creative Development

A Norpa Initiated Project with Tralala Blip & Urban Theatre Projects

Further Information

Drawing inspiration from the Marvel comic book series X-Men, Joy Division’s Ian Curtis and the Fibonacci sequence, My Radio Heart is a love story for the 21st Century. Cinematic audio-visuals along with punk rock, electronica and country and western music create a breath-taking fantasy world where love triumphs.

This new Australian work is made with exquisite attention to detail by an ensemble of six abled and differently abled performers. We imagine the final work to be an hour-long omni-sensorial experience full of birds, bocce and an oak tree.

Running parallel to this creative development we have facilitated a series of professional development workshops in sound, dance and video for people living with a disability.

Creative Team

Director/Designer: Rosie Dennis

Cast: Mathew Daymond, Lydian Dunbar, Claudie Frock , Zac Misfud, Phoebe Rose & Randolf Reimann.

Sound Design: Lawrence English

Co-sound Design: Randolf Reimann

Video Design: Samuel James

Lighting  Design and Production: Frank Mainoo

Production (NORPA): Bethwynn Hackett

Dramaturg: Julian Louis

Development Details

Creative Development: March, May, October and December 2013

Supporters and Partners

Northern Rivers Performing Arts, Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, Trade and Investment Arts NSW

Image Credit

Mathew Daymond