
Dream Sequence: Brian Fuata

24 June 2020
Brian Fuata
Dream Sequence: Brian Fuata

Living room material (opaque contents) 

Living room material (opaque contents), is a live-stream improvisation as part of Dream Sequence.

You can download a transcript of Episode 1 - Brian Fuata here.

About the work

Brian Fuata says about the work:

"Living room material (opaque contents), is a live-stream improvisation as part of Dream Sequence. It continues my structured improvised things which exploit the image of the ghost as a formal device to produce and order content. For Dream Sequence, my lounge room becomes a performance area-cum-studio-cum-ghost museum of printed matter ranging from archival photos, email performances and notational material badly taped to the walls as posters. This sets the scene for a ghost iteration centred by the contiguity of two ideas: a short story by Lydia Davis, "In a house besieged" and the energetic interaction between the ghost image and the introduction of another archetypal absence, the shadow. The impro will present scripted and improvised speech, stops and starts, ooohs and umms, soft and flexed emotional nerves. It will go for a timed fifteen minutes - wherever we are when the alarm rings - is when the sharing will end."

About Brian Fuata

Brian Fuata works in the improvisation of live performance, writing and objects, exploiting the image of the ghost as narrative structuring device. He employs multiple registers of performance and public speaking to render location, body and presence together as a dumb zone of dramatic affects.

About Dream Sequence

Dream Sequence has been newly created for lockdown, this is a new digital program comprised of 10 works by 10 Western Sydney artists broadcast live on our website over 10 months. Find out more about this ongoing series here.

Image Credit

Brian Fuata

Partners and Supporters

The program is made possible through the generous support of Create NSW.